WIS runs the with the 9 years Revised Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), with a wide syllabus to prepare students with the basic academic requirements for future learning. 
Underlying all the life skills they teach and the knowledge they impart, our teachers’ task is to  nurture the sense of wonder at the root of life-long learning.

*          PLAY GROUP
*          RECEPTION   *          NURSERY

*          PRIMARY 1-3
*          PRIMARY 4-6
*          JUNIOR SECONDARY 1-3

Our aim is to get our pupils off to a good start, not only in terms of a proper grounding in reading and thinking skills and the basic academic subjects, but as questioning, creative, self controlled, compassionate individuals.

Besides the time spent in (and outside) the classroom, all learners at the school go to computer, music, art, library and physical education classes every week. Groups of 6 – 12 in each class who are making good academic progress attend weekly enrichment classes, while remedial support helps strugglers to overcome obstacles to the pleasure of discovery. Outdoor education is an important part of our school life, with a strong emphasis on environmental awareness and the challenges facing our crowded planet.

Scheduled parent/teacher interviews help to bridge the communication gap between home and school. Parents are encouraged to keep teachers informed about relevant events at home, and are welcome to contact them throughout the year with queries or problems.

As an innovation school, we use new technology, art and human approach to impart the curricular requirements of the Reviewed Basic Education Curriculum, which promotes an integrative approach, i.e. allowing different learning areas at school and in general life to combine naturally and reinforce each other. A number of formal assessments are done over the course of the year.

The BEC syllabus has four main learning areas: